
176 results (0.036 seconds)
Name Prefix # icons Author License Category Palette
Material Symbols material-symbols 13024 Google Apache 2.0 General false
Material Symbols Light material-symbols-light 13091 Google Apache 2.0 General false
Google Material Icons ic 10955 Material Design Authors Apache 2.0 General false
Material Design Icons mdi 7447 Pictogrammers Apache 2.0 General false
Phosphor ph 9072 Phosphor Icons MIT General false
Solar solar 7401 480 Design CC BY 4.0 General false
Tabler Icons tabler 5450 Paweł Kuna MIT General false
Huge Icons hugeicons 3929 Hugeicons MIT General false
MingCute Icon mingcute 2922 MingCute Design Apache 2.0 General false
Remix Icon ri 2892 Remix Design Apache 2.0 General false
Bootstrap Icons bi 2050 The Bootstrap Authors MIT General false
Carbon carbon 2213 IBM Apache 2.0 General false
IconaMoon iconamoon 1781 Dariush Habibpour CC BY 4.0 General false
Iconoir iconoir 1597 Luca Burgio MIT General false
IonIcons ion 1356 Ben Sperry MIT General false
Lucide lucide 1508 Lucide Contributors ISC General false
Unicons uil 1206 Iconscout Apache 2.0 General false
TDesign Icons tdesign 1206 TDesign MIT General false
Teenyicons teenyicons 1200 smhmd MIT General false
Clarity clarity 1103 VMware MIT General false
BoxIcons bx 814 Atisa CC BY 4.0 General false
BoxIcons Solid bxs 665 Atisa CC BY 4.0 General false
Majesticons majesticons 760 Gerrit Halfmann MIT General false
Ant Design Icons ant-design 830 HeskeyBaozi MIT General false gg 704 Astrit MIT General false
Gravity UI Icons gravity-ui 674 YANDEX LLC MIT General false
Octicons octicon 643 GitHub MIT General false
Memory Icons memory 651 Pictogrammers Apache 2.0 General false
CoreUI Free cil 554 creativeLabs Łukasz Holeczek CC BY 4.0 General false
Flowbite Icons flowbite 520 Themesberg MIT General false
Myna UI Icons mynaui 1092 Praveen Juge MIT General false
Basil basil 493 Craftwork CC BY 4.0 General false
Pixelarticons pixelarticons 486 Gerrit Halfmann MIT General false
Akar Icons akar-icons 454 Arturo Wibawa MIT General false
coolicons ci 442 Kryston Schwarze CC BY 4.0 General false
System UIcons system-uicons 430 Corey Ginnivan Unlicense General false
Typicons typcn 336 Stephen Hutchings CC BY-SA 4.0 General false
Radix Icons radix-icons 318 WorkOS MIT General false
Zondicons zondicons 297 Steve Schoger MIT General false
Element Plus ep 293 Element Plus MIT General false
Circum Icons circum 288 Klarr Agency Mozilla Public License 2.0 General false
Material Design Light mdi-light 284 Pictogrammers Open Font License General false
Feather Icon fe 255 Megumi Hano MIT General false
EOS Icons eos-icons 253 SUSE UX/UI team MIT General false
Bitcoin Icons bitcoin-icons 250 Bitcoin Design Community MIT General false
Charm Icons charm 261 Jay Newey MIT General false
Prime Icons prime 313 PrimeTek MIT General false
Humbleicons humbleicons 247 Jiří Zralý MIT General false
uiw icons uiw 214 liwen0526 MIT General false
Unicons Monochrome uim 296 Iconscout Apache 2.0 General false
Unicons Thin Line uit 214 Iconscout Apache 2.0 General false
Unicons Solid uis 189 Iconscout Apache 2.0 General false
Maki maki 213 Mapbox CC0 General false
Gridicons gridicons 207 Automattic GPL 2.0 General false
Mono Icons mi 180 Mono MIT General false
WeUI Icon weui 162 WeUI MIT General false
Quill Icons quill 140 Casper Lourens MIT General false
Gala Icons gala 51 Jake Wells GPL General false
Lets Icons lets-icons 1528 Leonid Tsvetkov CC BY 4.0 General false
Framework7 Icons f7 1253 Vladimir Kharlampidi MIT General false
Mage Icons mage 1042 MageIcons Apache 2.0 General false
Marketeq marketeq 590 Marketeq MIT General true
Fluent UI System Icons fluent 16444 Microsoft Corporation MIT General false
IconPark Outline icon-park-outline 2658 ByteDance Apache 2.0 General false
IconPark Solid icon-park-solid 1947 ByteDance Apache 2.0 General false
IconPark TwoTone icon-park-twotone 1944 ByteDance Apache 2.0 General false
IconPark icon-park 2658 ByteDance Apache 2.0 General true
Jam Icons jam 940 Michael Amprimo MIT General false
HeroIcons heroicons 1288 Refactoring UI Inc MIT General false
Gitlab SVGs pajamas 380 GitLab B.V. MIT General false
Pepicons Pop! pepicons-pop 1275 CyCraft CC BY 4.0 General false
Pepicons Print pepicons-print 1275 CyCraft CC BY 4.0 General false
Pepicons Pencil pepicons-pencil 1275 CyCraft CC BY 4.0 General false
Bytesize Icons bytesize 101 Dan Klammer MIT General false
Evil Icons ei 70 Alexander Madyankin and Roman Shamin MIT General false
Streamline streamline 2000 Streamline CC BY 4.0 General false
Guidance guidance 360 Streamline CC BY 4.0 General false
Font Awesome Solid fa6-solid 1395 Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0 General false
Font Awesome Regular fa6-regular 163 Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0 General false
OOUI ooui 357 OOUI Team MIT General false
Rivet Icons rivet-icons 210 Indiana University BSD 3-Clause General false
Nimbus nimbus 140 Linkedstore S.A. MIT General false
OpenSearch UI oui 386 OpenSearch Contributors Apache 2.0 General false
FormKit Icons formkit 144 FormKit, Inc MIT General false
Material Line Icons line-md 606 Vjacheslav Trushkin MIT Animated Icons false
Meteocons meteocons 447 Bas Milius MIT Animated Icons true
SVG Spinners svg-spinners 46 Utkarsh Verma MIT Animated Icons false
OpenMoji openmoji 4146 OpenMoji CC BY-SA 4.0 Emoji true
Twitter Emoji twemoji 3668 Twitter CC BY 4.0 Emoji true
Noto Emoji noto 3555 Google Inc Apache 2.0 Emoji true
Fluent Emoji fluent-emoji 2961 Microsoft Corporation MIT Emoji true
Fluent Emoji Flat fluent-emoji-flat 2980 Microsoft Corporation MIT Emoji true
Fluent Emoji High Contrast fluent-emoji-high-contrast 1545 Microsoft Corporation MIT Emoji false
Noto Emoji (v1) noto-v1 2162 Google Inc Apache 2.0 Emoji true
Emoji One (Colored) emojione 1834 Emoji One CC BY 4.0 Emoji true
Emoji One (Monotone) emojione-monotone 1403 Emoji One CC BY 4.0 Emoji false
Emoji One (v1) emojione-v1 1262 Emoji One CC BY-SA 4.0 Emoji true
Firefox OS Emoji fxemoji 1034 Mozilla Apache 2.0 Emoji true
Streamline Emojis streamline-emojis 787 Streamline CC BY 4.0 Emoji true
BoxIcons Logo bxl 155 Atisa CC BY 4.0 Brands / Social false
SVG Logos logos 1822 Gil Barbara CC0 Brands / Social true
Simple Icons simple-icons 3157 Simple Icons Collaborators CC0 1.0 Brands / Social false
CoreUI Brands cib 830 creativeLabs Łukasz Holeczek CC0 1.0 Brands / Social false
Font Awesome Brands fa6-brands 492 Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0 Brands / Social false
Nonicons nonicons 67 yamatsum MIT Brands / Social false
Arcticons arcticons 10059 Donnnno CC BY-SA 4.0 Brands / Social false
Custom Brand Icons cbi 1220 Emanuele & rchiileea CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Brands / Social false
Brandico brandico 45 Fontello CC BY SA Brands / Social false
Entypo+ Social entypo-social 76 Daniel Bruce CC BY-SA 4.0 Brands / Social false
Token Icons token 1646 0xa3k5 MIT Brands / Social false
Token Icons Branded token-branded 1828 0xa3k5 MIT Brands / Social true
Cryptocurrency Icons cryptocurrency 483 Christopher Downer CC0 1.0 Brands / Social false
Cryptocurrency Color Icons cryptocurrency-color 483 Christopher Downer CC0 1.0 Brands / Social true
Flag Icons flag 538 Panayiotis Lipiridis MIT Maps / Flags true
Circle Flags circle-flags 434 HatScripts MIT Maps / Flags true
Flagpack flagpack 255 Yummygum MIT Maps / Flags true
CoreUI Flags cif 199 creativeLabs Łukasz Holeczek CC0 1.0 Maps / Flags true
Font-GIS gis 365 Jean-Marc Viglino CC BY 4.0 Maps / Flags false
Map Icons map 167 Scott de Jonge Open Font License Maps / Flags false
GeoGlyphs geo 30 Sam Matthews MIT Maps / Flags false
VSCode Icons vscode-icons 1292 Roberto Huertas MIT Programming true
Codicons codicon 460 Microsoft Corporation CC BY 4.0 Programming false
File Icons file-icons 930 John Gardner ISC Programming false
Devicon devicon 786 konpa MIT Programming true
Devicon Plain devicon-plain 588 konpa MIT Programming false
Catppuccin Icons catppuccin 508 Catppuccin MIT Programming true
Skill Icons skill-icons 397 tandpfun MIT Programming true
UnJS Logos unjs 63 UnJS Apache 2.0 Programming true
Game Icons game-icons 4102 GameIcons CC BY 3.0 Thematic false
FontAudio fad 155 @fefanto CC BY 4.0 Thematic false
Academicons academicons 157 James Walsh Open Font License Thematic false
Weather Icons wi 219 Erik Flowers Open Font License Thematic false
Health Icons healthicons 1346 Resolve to Save Lives MIT Thematic false
Medical Icons medical-icon 144 Samuel Frémondière MIT Thematic false
Covid Icons covid 142 Streamline CC BY 4.0 Thematic false
Line Awesome la 1544 Icons8 Apache 2.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Eva Icons eva 490 Akveo MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Dashicons dashicons 342 WordPress GPL Archive / Unmaintained false
Flat Color Icons flat-color-icons 329 Icons8 MIT Archive / Unmaintained true
Entypo+ entypo 321 Daniel Bruce CC BY-SA 4.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Foundation foundation 283 Zurb MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Raphael raphael 266 Dmitry Baranovskiy MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons icons8 234 Icons8 MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Innowatio Font iwwa 105 Innowatio Apache 2.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
HeroIcons v1 Outline heroicons-outline 230 Refactoring UI Inc MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
HeroIcons v1 Solid heroicons-solid 230 Refactoring UI Inc MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Font Awesome 5 Solid fa-solid 1001 Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Font Awesome 5 Regular fa-regular 151 Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Font Awesome 5 Brands fa-brands 457 Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Font Awesome 4 fa 678 Dave Gandy Open Font License Archive / Unmaintained false
Fluent UI MDL2 fluent-mdl2 1735 Microsoft Corporation MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Fontisto fontisto 615 Kenan Gündoğan MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
IcoMoon Free icomoon-free 491 Keyamoon GPL Archive / Unmaintained false
Subway Icon Set subway 306 Mariusz Ostrowski CC BY 4.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Open Iconic oi 223 Iconic MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Icons8 Windows 8 Icons wpf 200 Icons8 MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Simple line icons simple-line-icons 189 Sabbir Ahmed MIT Archive / Unmaintained false
Elegant et 100 Kenny Sing GPL 3.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Elusive Icons el 304 Team Redux Open Font License Archive / Unmaintained false
Vaadin Icons vaadin 636 Vaadin Apache 2.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
Grommet Icons grommet-icons 634 Grommet Apache 2.0 Archive / Unmaintained false
WebHostingHub Glyphs whh 2125 WebHostingHub Open Font License Hidden false
SmartIcons Glyph si-glyph 799 SmartIcons CC BY SA 4.0 Hidden false
Material Design Iconic Font zmdi 777 MDI Community Open Font License Hidden false
Ligature Symbols ls 348 Kazuyuki Motoyama Open Font License Hidden false
BPMN bpmn 112 Camunda Services GmbH Open Font License Hidden false
Flat UI Icons flat-ui 100 Designmodo, Inc. MIT Hidden true
Vesper Icons vs 159 TableCheck Open Font License Hidden false
TopCoat Icons topcoat 89 TopCoat Apache 2.0 Hidden false
Icalicons il 84 Icalia Labs MIT Hidden false
Web Symbols Liga websymbol 85 Just Be Nice studio Open Font License Hidden false
Fontelico fontelico 34 Fontello CC BY SA Hidden false
PrestaShop Icons ps 479 PrestaShop CC BY-NC 4.0 Hidden false
Feather Icons feather 286 Cole Bemis MIT Hidden false
Mono Icons mono-icons 180 Mono MIT Hidden false
Pepicons pepicons 428 CyCraft CC BY 4.0 Hidden false
Name Author License
Material Symbols Google Apache 2.0
Material Symbols Light Google Apache 2.0
Google Material Icons Material Design Authors Apache 2.0
Material Design Icons Pictogrammers Apache 2.0
Phosphor Phosphor Icons MIT
Solar 480 Design CC BY 4.0
Tabler Icons Paweł Kuna MIT
Huge Icons Hugeicons MIT
MingCute Icon MingCute Design Apache 2.0
Remix Icon Remix Design Apache 2.0
Bootstrap Icons The Bootstrap Authors MIT
Carbon IBM Apache 2.0
IconaMoon Dariush Habibpour CC BY 4.0
Iconoir Luca Burgio MIT
IonIcons Ben Sperry MIT
Lucide Lucide Contributors ISC
Unicons Iconscout Apache 2.0
TDesign Icons TDesign MIT
Teenyicons smhmd MIT
Clarity VMware MIT
BoxIcons Atisa CC BY 4.0
BoxIcons Solid Atisa CC BY 4.0
Majesticons Gerrit Halfmann MIT
Ant Design Icons HeskeyBaozi MIT Astrit MIT
Octicons GitHub MIT
Memory Icons Pictogrammers Apache 2.0
CoreUI Free creativeLabs Łukasz Holeczek CC BY 4.0
Flowbite Icons Themesberg MIT
Myna UI Icons Praveen Juge MIT
Basil Craftwork CC BY 4.0
Pixelarticons Gerrit Halfmann MIT
Akar Icons Arturo Wibawa MIT
coolicons Kryston Schwarze CC BY 4.0
System UIcons Corey Ginnivan Unlicense
Typicons Stephen Hutchings CC BY-SA 4.0
Radix Icons WorkOS MIT
Zondicons Steve Schoger MIT
Element Plus Element Plus MIT
Circum Icons Klarr Agency Mozilla Public License 2.0
Material Design Light Pictogrammers Open Font License
Feather Icon Megumi Hano MIT
Bitcoin Icons Bitcoin Design Community MIT
Charm Icons Jay Newey MIT
Prime Icons PrimeTek MIT
Humbleicons Jiří Zralý MIT
uiw icons liwen0526 MIT
Unicons Monochrome Iconscout Apache 2.0
Unicons Thin Line Iconscout Apache 2.0
Unicons Solid Iconscout Apache 2.0
Maki Mapbox CC0
Gridicons Automattic GPL 2.0
Mono Icons Mono MIT
Quill Icons Casper Lourens MIT
Gala Icons Jake Wells GPL
Lets Icons Leonid Tsvetkov CC BY 4.0
Framework7 Icons Vladimir Kharlampidi MIT
Mage Icons MageIcons Apache 2.0
Marketeq Marketeq MIT
Fluent UI System Icons Microsoft Corporation MIT
IconPark Outline ByteDance Apache 2.0
IconPark Solid ByteDance Apache 2.0
IconPark TwoTone ByteDance Apache 2.0
IconPark ByteDance Apache 2.0
Jam Icons Michael Amprimo MIT
HeroIcons Refactoring UI Inc MIT
Gitlab SVGs GitLab B.V. MIT
Pepicons Pop! CyCraft CC BY 4.0
Pepicons Print CyCraft CC BY 4.0
Pepicons Pencil CyCraft CC BY 4.0
Bytesize Icons Dan Klammer MIT
Evil Icons Alexander Madyankin and Roman Shamin MIT
Streamline Streamline CC BY 4.0
Guidance Streamline CC BY 4.0
Font Awesome Solid Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0
Font Awesome Regular Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0
Rivet Icons Indiana University BSD 3-Clause
Nimbus Linkedstore S.A. MIT
OpenSearch UI OpenSearch Contributors Apache 2.0
FormKit Icons FormKit, Inc MIT
Material Line Icons Vjacheslav Trushkin MIT
Meteocons Bas Milius MIT
SVG Spinners Utkarsh Verma MIT
OpenMoji OpenMoji CC BY-SA 4.0
Twitter Emoji Twitter CC BY 4.0
Noto Emoji Google Inc Apache 2.0
Fluent Emoji Microsoft Corporation MIT
Fluent Emoji Flat Microsoft Corporation MIT
Fluent Emoji High Contrast Microsoft Corporation MIT
Noto Emoji (v1) Google Inc Apache 2.0
Emoji One (Colored) Emoji One CC BY 4.0
Emoji One (Monotone) Emoji One CC BY 4.0
Emoji One (v1) Emoji One CC BY-SA 4.0
Firefox OS Emoji Mozilla Apache 2.0
Streamline Emojis Streamline CC BY 4.0
BoxIcons Logo Atisa CC BY 4.0
SVG Logos Gil Barbara CC0
Simple Icons Simple Icons Collaborators CC0 1.0
CoreUI Brands creativeLabs Łukasz Holeczek CC0 1.0
Font Awesome Brands Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0
Nonicons yamatsum MIT
Arcticons Donnnno CC BY-SA 4.0
Custom Brand Icons Emanuele & rchiileea CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Brandico Fontello CC BY SA
Entypo+ Social Daniel Bruce CC BY-SA 4.0
Token Icons 0xa3k5 MIT
Token Icons Branded 0xa3k5 MIT
Cryptocurrency Icons Christopher Downer CC0 1.0
Cryptocurrency Color Icons Christopher Downer CC0 1.0
Flag Icons Panayiotis Lipiridis MIT
Circle Flags HatScripts MIT
Flagpack Yummygum MIT
CoreUI Flags creativeLabs Łukasz Holeczek CC0 1.0
Font-GIS Jean-Marc Viglino CC BY 4.0
Map Icons Scott de Jonge Open Font License
GeoGlyphs Sam Matthews MIT
VSCode Icons Roberto Huertas MIT
Codicons Microsoft Corporation CC BY 4.0
File Icons John Gardner ISC
Devicon konpa MIT
Devicon Plain konpa MIT
Catppuccin Icons Catppuccin MIT
Skill Icons tandpfun MIT
UnJS Logos UnJS Apache 2.0
Game Icons GameIcons CC BY 3.0
FontAudio @fefanto CC BY 4.0
Academicons James Walsh Open Font License
Weather Icons Erik Flowers Open Font License
Health Icons Resolve to Save Lives MIT
Medical Icons Samuel Frémondière MIT
Covid Icons Streamline CC BY 4.0
Line Awesome Icons8 Apache 2.0
Eva Icons Akveo MIT
Dashicons WordPress GPL
Flat Color Icons Icons8 MIT
Entypo+ Daniel Bruce CC BY-SA 4.0
Foundation Zurb MIT
Raphael Dmitry Baranovskiy MIT
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons Icons8 MIT
Innowatio Font Innowatio Apache 2.0
HeroIcons v1 Outline Refactoring UI Inc MIT
HeroIcons v1 Solid Refactoring UI Inc MIT
Font Awesome 5 Solid Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0
Font Awesome 5 Regular Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0
Font Awesome 5 Brands Dave Gandy CC BY 4.0
Font Awesome 4 Dave Gandy Open Font License
Fluent UI MDL2 Microsoft Corporation MIT
Fontisto Kenan Gündoğan MIT
IcoMoon Free Keyamoon GPL
Subway Icon Set Mariusz Ostrowski CC BY 4.0
Open Iconic Iconic MIT
Icons8 Windows 8 Icons Icons8 MIT
Simple line icons Sabbir Ahmed MIT
Elegant Kenny Sing GPL 3.0
Elusive Icons Team Redux Open Font License
Vaadin Icons Vaadin Apache 2.0
Grommet Icons Grommet Apache 2.0
WebHostingHub Glyphs WebHostingHub Open Font License
SmartIcons Glyph SmartIcons CC BY SA 4.0
Material Design Iconic Font MDI Community Open Font License
Ligature Symbols Kazuyuki Motoyama Open Font License
BPMN Camunda Services GmbH Open Font License
Flat UI Icons Designmodo, Inc. MIT
Vesper Icons TableCheck Open Font License
TopCoat Icons TopCoat Apache 2.0
Icalicons Icalia Labs MIT
Web Symbols Liga Just Be Nice studio Open Font License
Fontelico Fontello CC BY SA
PrestaShop Icons PrestaShop CC BY-NC 4.0
Feather Icons Cole Bemis MIT
Mono Icons Mono MIT
Pepicons CyCraft CC BY 4.0